
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

These 10 Messages of the Prophet in Women When Serving Husbands in Beds

Connecting husband and wife when married is important for obtaining offspring. Serving the husband in bed is an obligation for his wife because it is part of the way the wife makes her husband happy. Understanding the importance of the need for it, a Muslim woman (wife) is required to be smart in carrying herself while in bed and serving her husband. Relationship between husband and wife also has ethics that must be maintained. We should as the people of the Prophet Muhammad to always do the sunnah as exemplified by the Apostle. The following are ethics that must be guarded by a wife when they are in the bed as the message of the Prophet: 1. Meet the husband's invitation as soon as possible One of the tasks for a wife is to serve her husband to make her happy. Therefore, when he asks his wife to serve him, then as soon as possible a wife must make her husband's request, even serving her husband on the first night. 2. Organize the comfort of the bed well The bed is the...

Halal Ways to Satisfy Husbands When Menstrual Wives

Satisfying my husband during menstruation There are a thousand halal ways to satisfy a husband when he is menstruating. In this way, you can avoid your husband masturbating or even cheating. Question: Bismillah ... Ustadz, how do you satisfy your husband when your wife is menstruating? may the wife (‘afwan) play her penis until the semen comes out? Does this include masturbation or not? syukron From: Ana Answer: Bismillah was shalatu was greeting ‘ala rasulillah, amma ba’du, There are a thousand ways to satisfy a husband when his wife is menstruating. Because Islam does not punish menstrual women physically as unclean objects that should be shunned, as is the practice of Jews. Anas bin Malik relates, أن اليهود كانوا إذا حاضت المرأة فيهم لم يؤاكلوها ولم يجامعوهن في البيوت فسأل الصحابة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأنزل الله تعالى: ويسألونك عن المحيض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ... Indeed Jews, when their wives experience menstruation, they do not want to eat with t...

Matches Must Meet According to Islam, Wisdom of the Love Story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam!

This term may be familiar to all of us. Because there are many who often discuss it, especially for young people who are ready to get married. When we look out there, very many people who love each other and have long established a special relationship (read: dating), in the end must fail and separate. Even though previously he had pledged to pledge loyalty, mutual trust to build a commitment. Even parents have been introduced to each other. However, on the other hand there are also many couples who at first don't know each other, then God unites them in a sacred bond namely marriage. Well, that's what they called a match. Matchmaking will not go where, if indeed it is not any mate and however we try it God must have a more beautiful way to not unite it. Vice versa, if indeed it has been matched so far as far as the distance does not even know, God always has the perfect way to be able to bring it together. Mate will not go anywhere, there is an interesting story that we ...

5 Habits of In-laws that Make a Home Damaged

The breakdown in household relationships does not only come from the two couples who undergo. Sometimes, in-laws who are too meddling can make their children's homes fall apart. Here are five in-laws actions that can cause misunderstandings in their children's household 1. Comparing If it's just a story, it might be normal, but if it's accompanied by an attitude of comparing anyone, it would be reluctant. "Try it like your brother, the business continues smoothly. After all, you have to try and change it successfully, "said when he met one of the children. Actually the intention of parents or in-laws to motivate. But, sometimes the words that appear actually lead to misunderstandings and humbling. 2. Bad talk This second attitude is also unethical. The attitude of harming daughter-in-law in front of relatives can be potentially bad. The son-in-law will be underestimated and abused by his brothers. "God, the A is very sensitive. Pantesan is...

Husband Is Difficult To Pray? This is the Solution of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Because prayer is the practice that was first taken away on the Day of Judgment. There is no doubt that living together with a husband who does not pray is a disaster in which mishaps are not permissible. QUESTION: "Ustadz, I want to ask how to respond to a husband who is lazy to pray, while his wife is a Muslim woman who obeys and how her position as a wife for years is waiting but there is no change." There is no doubt that living together with a husband who does not pray is a disaster where mishaps are not permissible, especially since you have been patient for a long time. Prayer is indeed a serious matter except for those who are solemn. Prayer is a direct relationship between a servant and his Rabb. Shalat is the first charity to be taken away. Prayer is a scale by which we can know one's religion and kindness. Whoever keeps it, then he has the light, proof and salvation on the Day of Judgment. And whoever does not take care of him he has no light, proof and s...

How To Jima' Or Intimate Relation Can Be Long Lasting

Islam regulates all things in our lives, including jima 'or intimate relationships that are arranged in Islam. In a marriage, jima 'is one of the routines of husband and wife worship. Not infrequently, because of intimate relationships that are not optimal a husband and wife decide to separate (divorce). So, having good quality in five 'is a must. One of the indicators of jima 'is said to be of high quality when each party (husband and wife) gets the peak of pleasure. Generally, husbands often "go out" first. As a result the husband was weak and unable to continue intimate activities, which led to his wife's disappointment. Scholars teach a number of tips and tricks that can be done by husbands to be able to last long and give satisfaction to the wife first. 1. Position of Husband Above Before exploring with various possible variants of position, you should multiply the flight hours to be able to strengthen (when holding ejaculation) in a normal...

Position of Intimate Relationship between Husband and Wife According to Islam

POSITION OF HUSBAND INTIM RELATIONSHIPS - In Islam, husbands and wives may carry out various styles / positions when having sex as long as they go to the right "place". Allah SWT said in Surah Al Baqarah verse 223 which reads: "Your wives are (like) the land where you cultivate, so go to the land where you grow your crops as you wish" (Surat al-Baqarah: 223) Once upon a time Umar bin Khattab was worried and complained to the Prophet. Umar bin Khattab complained that he had just come to see his wife from behind. At that time the Messenger of Allah was only silent until Allah SWT revealed the verse 223 of Al-Baqarah. Imam Nawawi explained that in the verse it is permissible to fuck his wife from the front and back, with his face down or overtaking. It is not permissible to fuck your wife through the rectum because it is not a location for farming. Position of Intimate Relationship between Husband and Wife According to the Best Islam Then what is the best po...

14 Adab Wife Relationship in Islam

Married relationship or known as Jima 'is a form of worship in Islam. Worship is a form of obedience, love and deep affection, and as a form of giving obligations and rights to each other where between husband and wife have the right to earn a living and inner income. The heart of the mind is in the form of love and fulfillment of lust. Husband and wife relations in Islam can be done at any time for the sake of happiness and bonding the relationship between husband and wife, in Islam there is a Shari'a to regulate various aspects of human life including procedures or adab in husband and wife relations. This custom certainly brings goodness and becomes a perfect way of worship between the two, here is the relationship between husband and wife in Islam: 1. In a Clean State Islam is a clean religion, so God likes cleanliness, cleanliness is likened to something that becomes part of faith because of its virtue. "Islamic religion is a clean and holy religion, so you sho...

The Law of Eating Food for the Rest of Others in Islam

On the previous occasion, we have briefly reviewed some of the ways of eating the Prophet, one of which is to spend the remaining food on a plate or tray where you eat. Spending the rest of the food actually has its own philosophy of appreciating the blessings given by Allah SWT. Islam forbids his people from wasting the sustenance obtained. And therefore, as Muslims we must respect every drop of water and every seed of food that is available by not wasting the food or drink and using it for a positive purpose. The rewards that we give to food or drink are actually a form of our gratitude for God's favor. Therefore in one of the narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wasallam always licked the leftover food stuck to the fingers of his hand. From Jabir bin ‘Abdillah he said that the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wasallam said, "Don't sweep his hand with a napkin before he licks his finger. Because he doesn't know which food brings blessings. "(N...

Borrowing Money Laws at Banks According to Islam

Who has never borrowed money? Of course both people who are or people who are less materially borrowing money are normal and are naturally in accordance with human nature according to Islam or human concepts in Islam. Assets in Islam are also the most important part so that people can move, do charity, and carry out their life goals. Every human being who lives there sometimes needs a loan and needs to be helped to meet his needs. Needs can be primary, secondary, or tertiary. Even among the upper class people, of course, they often borrow and borrow money that can be used for tertiary purposes or develop their business and capital. Even the lower classes can also borrow money to fulfill their primary needs, from food, health needs, education, or other household needs. For this reason it is necessary to help one another, and to avoid the arrogant nature of not caring (the arrogant nature of Islam is something that is hated by Allah SWT). In Islam borrowing and borrowing (debt) is ...

17 Benefits of Water When breaking fast

Water is pure water that is obtained because of sustenance from God and becomes something very valuable, humans and all creatures will not be able to live without water, humans may be able to spend time without eating but if you spend time without drinking, humans will not be able to survive life, more than 90% of the organs of living things need water. Therefore, water is always discussed to be the best thing to release thirst and restore energy when breaking the fast in addition to eating sweet foods such as dates, water has an extraordinary content for anything including breaking fast, as follows, 17 benefits of water when breaking the fast. 1. Turning on Energy in Total "And from water we make everything that lives. So why don't they also believe? "(Qur'an, 21:30). Each break the fast, for example there is no other food or drink, only with water will be able to restore the energy which during the day is reduced, water becomes the best choice and becomes the...

Understanding Usury According to Islam

Every prohibition and rule of God in Islamic teachings is certainly not just to avoid acts that are personal in nature. The rules and prohibitions that God gives always affect individuals and social as evidence that there are many functions of faith in Allah SWT. For those who violate it, the loss is in themselves and also the impact on the people around them. "O ye who believe, do not eat usury multiplied, and ask your trust in Allah that you may have good fortune." (Surah Ali-Imran: 130) In Islamic teachings, what Allah conveyed through the above verse shows that usury is prohibited. In Islam, behavior and perpetrators of usury are acts of crime that Allah will curse both in his life in the world and in the hereafter. Usury is often related to bank interest or the addition of loan repayments. Included in this (wealth in Islam) usury is a regulated part of Islamic fiqh. This is also conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith, "the Messenger of Allah cursed (co...

4 The Wisdom of Faith in the End of Days in Everyday Life

For every believer, the final day is a belief that cannot be contested. This is included in the pillars of faith, as Muslims must also believe and practice the pillars of Islam. The last day is information given by Allah SWT to humanity, without information when it will be time. Every believer will believe in coming while those who do not have faith in Allah will reject it and consider it illogical. Of course, for Muslims who believe in the last day also need to know the complete information about the end of the day in the Koran. In addition to the need to know the meaning and meaning of the end of the Qur'an, Muslims also need to know the wisdom about the end of the day. This is so that this information can become a daily appreciation of Muslims. Every thing that God commands to be believed certainly has benefits. Like the benefits of worship in the following matters, Benefits of Takbir Benefits of Tarawih Prayer Benefits of Reading the Qur'an Every Day Benefits of Ju...

The trumpet is Jewish Culture

The trumpet is Jewish culture. But that is what the Muslims did on New Year's Eve, just following Jewish culture. Don't believe? Please reflect on the following hadith. From Abu ‘Umair bin Anas from his aunt who included Ansar shahabiyah, . عن أبى عمير بن أنس عن عمومة له من الأنصار قال اهتم النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- للصلاة كيف يجمع الناس لها فقيل له انصب راية عند حضور ا...

10 Characteristics of Infertile Wives Against Husbands According to Islam

Of course everyone wants to be able to foster a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah, where there is harmony and happiness in the relationships that are established within the household, so that it is probable that their family will be lasting. One of the factors driving the creation of a harmonious family is the presence of a wife who always carries out her obligations as a wife, one of which is obeying her husband's orders. The Prophet sallallaahu Alaihi Wassalam once said: لَوْ كُنْتُ آمِرًا أَحَدًا أَنْ يَسْجُدَ لأَحَدٍ لأَمَرْتُ الْمَرْأَةَ أَنْ تَسْجُدَ لِزَوْجِهَا It means "If I may order someone to prostrate to others, of course I would order a wife to prostrate to her husband." (Narrated by Tirmidzi) However, many of the wives did not understand the importance of it, even whether they realized it or not they did things that disobeyed their husbands. These things include: Disobedient to husband The characteristics of the lawless wife's...

Rights of Children Out of Marriage in Islam

Rights of Children Out of Marriage in Islam Pregnancy out of wedlock and child rights issues outside of marriage in Islam, in this case there are several incidents which each have different laws, along with a full explanation to understand what are the Rights of Children Outside of Marriage in Islam. 1. First Event If a woman commits adultery and does not understand the retribution of adultery in Islam then becomes pregnant, then a child out of wedlock who is born is a child outside of adultery with the agreement of the scholars. A child out of wedlock is denied to his mother and is not kept against a man who abuses his mother (his adultery father). Strictly speaking, the relationship of rights between a child out of wedlock and his father is cut off. Likewise with the law of inheritance broken with his father in accordance with the method of inheritance in Islam, he only inherited his mother and his mother inherited it. Likewise the right of guardianship if a child out of wedl...

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