
Showing posts from January 13, 2019

Muslim Prophet Isa

Prophet Isa alaihis salam including the ranks of the Prophet who had extraordinary miracles. With Allah's permission, he can heal the sick, and even turn on the dead. Prophet Isa was included in the Prophet ‘Ulul‘ Azmi. There are several beliefs about the Prophet Isa ‘alaihis salam that every Muslim needs to know. Allah SWT said: "And because of their words:" We have killed the Messiah, Isa the son of Mary, Allah's Apostle ", even though they did not kill him and did not (also) crucify him, but (they killed) people who were like Jesus to them. Lo! Those who disagree about (the killing of) Jesus, in doubt about the murdered. They did not have confidence about who was killed, except following mere assumptions, they did not (also) believe that what they killed was Isa. But (actually), God raised Jesus to Him. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. None of the People of the Book, except will believe in him (Isa) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a ...

Elias Muslim Prophet Story

Elias Muslim Prophet Story We capture it for Ilyas (good praise) among those who came later. (I.e.) prosperity is bestowed on Ilyas? (Surah ash-Shaffat: 129-130) Prophet Ilyas As, is one of the Prophets among the 25 Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an. However, unlike many other Prophets, the story of the Prophet Ilyas was only discussed a little in the Qur'an, namely in the letter ash-Shaffat, verses 123-132, Allah SWT said: "And indeed Elias was one of the apostles. (Remember) when he said to his people: ‘Why are you not cautious? Can you worship Ba'l and you leave the best of the Creator, (That is) the God of your Lord and the Lord of your previous fathers? ' from sin). And We captured it for Ilyas (good praise) among those who came later. (I.e.) prosperity is bestowed on Ilyas? Verily this is how We give back to those who do good. Indeed, he belongs to Our servants who believe. " From the verses of the Koran above, we can know a little, that he was...

Muslim Prophet Ibrahim Story

Muslim Prophet Ibrahim Story Four birds are trained by the master. Often called, they will immediately go to the "coach" even though the location is very far away. The birds are very tame and obey every call. However, one day the master slashed the bird one by one. Not only killed, the beautiful birds were also chopped until their bodies were cut into pieces. The bird owner also mixes up the pieces of his pet's body. He then climbed the hill then put a quarter of the meat chopped. Then head for another hill and do the same. And so on up to four hills. The man then descended from the hill and walked away. As if he had never chopped the animals that had been nurtured and trained, he then called them with a shout and a pat. Soon the dead animals came to him with their whole and living condition. Amazing! In fact, the four birds were killed, even chopped. Even their body parts were separated far apart. However, the four came back to life. The owner of the four birds ...

Can Muslims Drink Coffee ?

Can Muslims Drink Coffee ? I once read the writing that coffee was khamr. Is that right? Then what is the law of coffee? Answer: Bismillah was shalatu was greeting ‘ala Rasulillah, wa ba’du, Perhaps the writing concludes in terms of language meaning. In Arabic, coffee is called qahwah [قهوة]. And the word qahwah means language khamr. Hasan Said al-Karmi - a Palestinian linguist, in his book ‘Qoul ala Qoul’ said, كلمة "قهوة" معناها في الأصل "الخمر" ، ويتّضح ذلك من مراجعة الكلمة في جميع القواميس "The word qahwah in language means khamr. We can see this clearly, when referring to this word in all dictionaries. "(Qoul ala Qoul, 3/117). Then al-Karmi mentions several verses of Arabic poetry that imply that meaning. Why is Khamr called Qahwah? Qahwah comes from the word aqhaa - yuqhii which means making full. Can also be interpreted, making dislike and avoiding food. Al-Bairuni said, قال الأزهري (ت 370 هـ) في "تهذيب اللغة": القه...

Can Muslim Drink Wine?

Can Muslim Drink Wine? Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّه وبركاته Ustadz please ask for an explanation of the wine including khamr, right? If so, please ask for an explanation as clearly as possible. Shukron for the answer. Answer: Bismillaah وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبر كاته If what is meant is grape juice, then it is halal. But when it has undergone a fermentation process in a certain period of time and it turns into an intoxicating drink, it is unlawful. Among the signs is if it has been stored for more than three days or foam has emerged that was not there before. This conclusion is based on the words of the Prophet sallalla ‘alaihi wa sallam: كُلُّ مُسْكِرٍ خَمْرٌ وَكُلُّ خَمْرٍ حَرَام "Every intoxicant is khomr and every khomr is haram." (Narrated by Muslim: 2003). Imam Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah was once asked by the law to drink orange juice and grapes and others, he replied: هذا حلال ليس فيه شك, إلا إذا غلا - أي: تخمر - بأن يكون فيه زبد, ص...

Are Muslims vegetarian?

Are Muslims vegetarian? Living in a country with a majority of non-Muslims often makes us hesitate to buy food. In order to maintain the halal intake of food that enters the body, some people choose to become vegetarians. The reason is clear, fruit and vegetables must be halal. Whereas the halal meat is still in doubt. Even though the meat is halal, like beef or goat, we are still anxious because the slaughter process is not necessarily halal. For this reason, the choice to become a vegetarian is considered the safest for those who live in a country with a majority of non-Muslims. However, the question that arises next, is it true that food made from fruit and vegetables is definitely halal? And what is the view of Islam about the vegetarian lifestyle which is actually more inclined to the teachings of other religions? Get to know the vegetarian lifestyle According to the Oxford dictionary, vegetarianism is defined as someone who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other...

Muslim Marriage Japan

Maryam married Bambang Harianto, an Indonesian worker who originally worked in one of the industries in Hamamatsu, on December 16, 2001. Five days earlier he had pronounced two sentences of shahada witnessed by the Hamamatsu recitation. Maryam's marriage with Bambang took place unique and seemed strange to most Japanese people, especially for Maryam's parents. When Bambang ventured to propose to Maryam, the prospective in-laws did not comment. Confused. Because young Japanese women usually live together before marriage (or even not married forever but live together with the same partner or change partners). Moreover, Maryam knew Bambang for less than two months. But the foundation of young Bambang was good in his faith, so even though his father-in-law was confused, the marriage was held in Bambang's hometown, Pasuruan, East Java, through the mediation of the guardian of the judge. From this blessed marriage Mary and Bambang (meanwhile) are blessed with two children,...

Muslim Marriage Contract

Muslim Marriage Contract Question: What is the law of contract marriage? Answer: preliminary A man's sexual desire (lust) is a natural thing, that is a natural thing that has been established by God to humans (See QS Ali ‘Imran [3]: 14). It's just that, humans need to pay attention and be careful how they channel sexual desire. Because humans are given a choice in the form of two paths by Allah SWT, namely the path that is lawful and the way that is haram (See QS Al Balad [90]: 10; QS ِ Ash Sham [91]: 8). The lawful way is through a legal marriage between a man and a woman. This is the only legitimate way according to Islamic sharia and blessed by Allah for a man to channel his sexual lust to a woman. On the other hand, an unclean road is a path that deviates from Islamic sharia and is not blessed by Allah. There are many kinds of bad paths, such as adultery, lesbianism, and homosexuality. One form of adultery that is quite widespread today is what is called the...

Muslim Marriage Quotes - Top 10 Best

Muslim Marriage Quotes - Top 10 Best Marriage Quotes or wise words of marriage are often made as a special message for the married couples who are officially married, as well as for the bride and groom who will soon get married. In Islam, marriage is not just a promise, but in it there are many things that must be understood, so that both husband and wife partners are always on the right path and together build the marriage to the heaven of Allah SWT. For those of you who will get married soon or who have carried out Islamic marriages, here are 10 Beautiful Quotes About Islamic Love and Marriage: 1. Creation of a Life Spouse In Islam, Allah SWT has explained that humans are born in pairs. Male and female. Never Allah pair men with the like, as well as women with the like. This has been made in a marriage quote that reads: "Allah has created for you wives of your own kind. it is one of the signs of his authority " Therefore, we are forbidden to complain abou...

200 Islamic Baby Girl Names along with their beautiful meanings

200 Islamic Baby Girl Names along with their beautiful meanings Are you lucky to be blessed with beautiful princess candidates? Next we choose 200 Islamic girl baby names along with their beautiful meanings. The implicit meaning of the baby girl's Islamic name Choosing a baby name is always an interesting process. You certainly want to give a unique, beautiful and meaningful name for the baby, like a baby girl's Islamic name. Usually, mothers play a role in choosing a baby girl's name. If you want to use a baby girl Islamic name, there's nothing wrong with understanding the meaning of these names. Here are 200 Islamic girl baby names and their meanings that can be your choice. Beautiful baby girl baby names are certainly suitable for your beautiful baby. Baby name Islamic girl Alphabet A Abidah: People who are diligent in worshiping Adiba: Cultured, polite, educated Adila: A straight person, justice Afia: Healthy Afifah: The one who maintains per...

250 Islamic Baby Boy Names along with their meanings

250 Islamic Baby Boy Names along with their meanings One of the fun things during pregnancy, or a pregnant wife, is to look for a baby's name. The process of finding this name often creates our enthusiasm as a prospective parent of the baby. Now, if you are looking for a beautiful and meaningful name for your handsome prince, here is a list of Islamic male baby names that we chose for you: This list of Islamic male baby names will make it easier for you to find a name that is suitable for the baby. Islamic baby boy name Alphabet A Adam: Prophet's name, role model Adli: Fair Adnan: The name of the Prophet's grandfather Afnan: A handsome face that beams Akmal: Perfect, very smart Amar: It's crowded Amir: Son, chairman, government Ammar: Who is long-lived Amran: The prosperity Anas: intimacy, love Name of Islamic boy Alphabet B Badran: Full moon Bahran: Luminous Bakri: My youth Bechar: Carrier of good news Basyir: Submitter of good news Burha...

The Law of Saying Merry Christmas and Wearing a Santa Hat

The Law of Saying Merry Christmas and Wearing a Santa Hat Assalamualaikum  Ustadz I want to ask how the law in Islam congratulates Christmas. Is it unlawful? What if the reason is to maintain good relations with friends or relations? Thank you for the answer. The second question, how is it legal for a supermarket employee to be asked by his boss to wear a Santa Claus hat in order to enliven Christmas. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb Opinion Differences about Saying Merry Christmas Among the themes that contain debates each year are congratulations on Christmas Day. Contemporary scholars differ in their determination of the law of jurisprudence between those who support congratulations and those who oppose it. Both groups rely on a number of propositions. Although the pronunciation of congratulations on Christmas is partly included in the area of ​​aqeedah but he has a law of jurisprudence which relies on deep understanding, detailed study of variou...

Alcohol in Islam - Law and its danger

Alcohol in Islam - Law and its danger Alcohol Law When in the past, there was no known name for alcohol, but for something intoxicating called khamar. Khamar is the result of the feeling of grapes or the like to be processed into intoxicating liquor. Khamar is something intoxicating, makes someone lose, and comes out of consciousness. Everything intoxicating is prohibited by Allah SWT, as His word means; "They ask you about khamar and gambling. Say to both that there is a great sin and some benefits for humans. But the sin is greater than its benefits. "(Q. S. Al-Baqarah: 219). Alcohol is a general term used to refer to an organic compound that has a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to a carbon atom which itself is also bound to another hydrogen (H) or carbon (C) atom. Alcohol consists of many groups, the most simple and often used is methanol and ethanol. The Prophet Muhammad said, which means: "Alcohol is the mother of all evil and this is the most shameful c...

Law of Divorce in Islam and its Proposal

Law of Divorce in Islam and its Proposal In a married relationship, we surely expect a lasting, happy relationship and continue together until death separates. Problems in married life certainly exist. However, as a married couple who have committed themselves before God, they must try to solve all household problems together. Unfortunately, today more and more married couples feel that their problems will not be resolved except by divorce. Divorce or talak is termination of the relationship between husband and wife from a legal marriage relationship according to the rules of Islam and the state. Divorce is considered the last way a married couple can take to solve a problem that they might have. Even though it does not rule out the possibility that the divorce decision they take will bring the next problem, especially in relation to child custody. Therefore, we should try as much as possible to prevent this divorce. Definition of Divorce According to the Islamic Shari'a,...

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