Alcohol in Islam - Law and its danger
Alcohol in Islam - Law and its danger
Alcohol Law
When in the past, there was no known name for alcohol, but for something intoxicating called khamar. Khamar is the result of the feeling of grapes or the like to be processed into intoxicating liquor. Khamar is something intoxicating, makes someone lose, and comes out of consciousness.
Everything intoxicating is prohibited by Allah SWT, as His word means;
"They ask you about khamar and gambling. Say to both that there is a great sin and some benefits for humans. But the sin is greater than its benefits. "(Q. S. Al-Baqarah: 219).
Alcohol is a general term used to refer to an organic compound that has a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to a carbon atom which itself is also bound to another hydrogen (H) or carbon (C) atom. Alcohol consists of many groups, the most simple and often used is methanol and ethanol.
The Prophet Muhammad said, which means: "Alcohol is the mother of all evil and this is the most shameful crime." (Quoted in Sunan Ibn Majah I Volume 3, The Book of Liquor, Chapter 30, Hadith Number 3371).
Allah SWT says which means;
"O believers! Indeed, liquor, gambling, (sacrificing for) idols, raffling fate with arrows, are included in the actions of Satan. So keep away (those deeds) so that you are lucky. "(Q. S. Al-Ma'idah: 90).
Consuming illicit food and drinks will also be one of the causes of prayer not granted by Allah SWT. Therefore, human beings are encouraged to be devoted and always have faith in the path of Allah, so that they will survive the world and the hereafter. Always practice all of His teachings and stay away from all His prohibitions. A believer can be said to be fearful when practicing the teachings of Islam in the world to reach the hereafter that Allah is pleased with.
The View of Ulama About Alcohol
According to Muhammad bin Ali Asy-Syaukani and Muhammad Rasyid Rida, adhering to the rules of "sadd az-zari'ah" or precautionary measures, the use of alcohol in small and large quantities is not permitted. Drinking alcohol even in small amounts over time will still be intoxicating so that it will have more harm than benefits.
According to the Fourth Imam of the School (Imama Hanafi, Imam Maliki, Imam Shafi'i, and Imam Hanbali) agreed that alcohol is unclean as khamar because it is equally intoxicating. Hold on to the Qur'an Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 90, which states that khamar includes rijs or unclean. Even some scholars from the Imam Hanafi School of Islam assert that even the slightest alcoholic clothing should not be used for prayer because it is invalid or null.
Law on the Use of Alcohol for Treatment
Equation with Khamar
The Four Priests of the School of Islam outline states that alcohol is the same as khamar so that the law is haram, including for use in medicine. This opinion is also based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which means; "Surely Allah does not make medicine (for) you from something that is forbidden to eat it." (H. R. Bukhari).
According to the narration of Tariq bin Suwaid, he once asked the Prophet Muhammad about the Khamar and answered that the Messenger of Allah forbade or hated the making of the khamar. Ibnu Suwaid said:
"I made it solely for medicine." The Prophet replied: "Indeed (khamar) it is not medicine, but rather disease." (Narrated by Abu Dawud).
Also in the hadith narrated by Abu Darda, that the Prophet Muhammad said that meant:
"Verily, Allah has decreed the disease and (at the same time) the antidote (medicine), then treat all of you, and do not seek treatment with the forbidden." (H. R. Abu Dawud).
There is relief, with certain conditions
In recent years some scholars of Imam Hanafi have given relief to alcohol use for treatment on the condition that they truly contain drugs and no other drugs except that. Some Islamic scholars of Shafi'i also stated that treatment with alcoholic mixtures must be strictly based on instructions by expert Muslim doctors.
Its use is not intoxicating and is really in an emergency and forced. This opinion is based on the Qur'an and the Hadith and the rules of jurisprudence.
Al-Qur'an Qur'an Al-Baqarah verse 185 which means; "... God wants for you an ease and does not want trouble for you ..."
Al-Qur'an surah Al-Hajj verse 78: "... and He does not make for you in religion a narrowness ..."
Law on the Use of Alcohol in Food and Beverages
Natural Alcohol Content
Fruits such as durian, oranges, and jackfruit basically contain natural alcohol. If eaten normally it will not be intoxicating but different if fermented. Syaikh Yusuf Qardhawi explained: the foods mentioned in the hadith such as wine, dates, honey, corn and wheat are not unclean foods.
While in the Al-Qur'an itself, it is stated that humans have the right to consume what is on the face of the earth except those which have been forbidden So the rule of usul fiqh was born, "As long as everything is changed, as long as there is no argument that forbids it."
High alcoholic foods
It is clear that processed foods containing high legal alcohol are haram, including processed bread which contains a mixture of rhum with an alcohol content of 30% (example: Rhum Cake Butter). However, it is a bit different from processed food products rather than fermentation, such as tape. The law will be based on research on the level or level of alcohol. If it turns out intoxicating, then the law is clearly unlawful. But if it is not intoxicating, it can be eaten.
Rasulullah SAW said the meaning;
"Drink it (juice) while it's not hard." Friends ask: How long has it been hard? He became violent in three days, replied the Prophet. "(H.R. Ahmad).
What is exemplified here is when the Messenger of Allah and his companion drank the wine, before the wine turned hard (three days past).
Alcoholic beverages such as beer and others
Whatever the form, all intoxicating alcoholic drinks are unlawful for consumption. Including beer drinks with alcohol content even though 0% is haram. This is based on preventive measures. As referring to the fatwa of MUI number 4 of 2003 based on the principle "Al washilatu ilal haram haramun"; everything on the road to haram is haram.
Danger of Alcohol
Causes of loss of self control
Every human being has a name called a prevention center in his brain. Its function is to control and prevent oneself from acting arbitrarily, in other words is to consider every act of action. While when someone consumes alcohol which is obviously intoxicating, they will lose control of this prevention center.
As a result, someone who is not used to saying harsh words can say it, someone who does not do damage will do it. That is what causes a drunkard to do worse often because he has no more control.
Increased crime
With inhibition of prevention center control, drunk people cannot control their behavior. On the contrary, in such a situation it is precisely the bad deeds that occur more like acts of violence, fighting, rape, and even murder. This is because they can no longer distinguish between the good and the wrong.
Leaving shame for a lifetime
A drunk person will not be aware of what he has done. So, as a reward, it is when he regains his consciousness and finally realizes what he has done.
All acts of drunkenness are despicable that will leave a sense of shame for life, not only for themselves but also their families and their environment.
Source of various diseases
Not a few causes of death are due to consuming alcohol. In addition to material and psychological harm, especially cereal alcohol is very detrimental to self-consumption. Here are some diseases caused by alcohol:
Liver cirrhosis
Cancer (esophagus, head and neck, liver, intestine)
Coronary arterosclerosis and Angina
Heart attack
Various types of paralysis
Peripheral neuropathy
Cortical atrophy
Cerebellar aatrophy
Good luck ...
Alcohol Law
When in the past, there was no known name for alcohol, but for something intoxicating called khamar. Khamar is the result of the feeling of grapes or the like to be processed into intoxicating liquor. Khamar is something intoxicating, makes someone lose, and comes out of consciousness.
Everything intoxicating is prohibited by Allah SWT, as His word means;
"They ask you about khamar and gambling. Say to both that there is a great sin and some benefits for humans. But the sin is greater than its benefits. "(Q. S. Al-Baqarah: 219).
Alcohol is a general term used to refer to an organic compound that has a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to a carbon atom which itself is also bound to another hydrogen (H) or carbon (C) atom. Alcohol consists of many groups, the most simple and often used is methanol and ethanol.
The Prophet Muhammad said, which means: "Alcohol is the mother of all evil and this is the most shameful crime." (Quoted in Sunan Ibn Majah I Volume 3, The Book of Liquor, Chapter 30, Hadith Number 3371).
Allah SWT says which means;
"O believers! Indeed, liquor, gambling, (sacrificing for) idols, raffling fate with arrows, are included in the actions of Satan. So keep away (those deeds) so that you are lucky. "(Q. S. Al-Ma'idah: 90).
Consuming illicit food and drinks will also be one of the causes of prayer not granted by Allah SWT. Therefore, human beings are encouraged to be devoted and always have faith in the path of Allah, so that they will survive the world and the hereafter. Always practice all of His teachings and stay away from all His prohibitions. A believer can be said to be fearful when practicing the teachings of Islam in the world to reach the hereafter that Allah is pleased with.
The View of Ulama About Alcohol
According to Muhammad bin Ali Asy-Syaukani and Muhammad Rasyid Rida, adhering to the rules of "sadd az-zari'ah" or precautionary measures, the use of alcohol in small and large quantities is not permitted. Drinking alcohol even in small amounts over time will still be intoxicating so that it will have more harm than benefits.
According to the Fourth Imam of the School (Imama Hanafi, Imam Maliki, Imam Shafi'i, and Imam Hanbali) agreed that alcohol is unclean as khamar because it is equally intoxicating. Hold on to the Qur'an Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 90, which states that khamar includes rijs or unclean. Even some scholars from the Imam Hanafi School of Islam assert that even the slightest alcoholic clothing should not be used for prayer because it is invalid or null.
Law on the Use of Alcohol for Treatment
Equation with Khamar
The Four Priests of the School of Islam outline states that alcohol is the same as khamar so that the law is haram, including for use in medicine. This opinion is also based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which means; "Surely Allah does not make medicine (for) you from something that is forbidden to eat it." (H. R. Bukhari).
According to the narration of Tariq bin Suwaid, he once asked the Prophet Muhammad about the Khamar and answered that the Messenger of Allah forbade or hated the making of the khamar. Ibnu Suwaid said:
"I made it solely for medicine." The Prophet replied: "Indeed (khamar) it is not medicine, but rather disease." (Narrated by Abu Dawud).
Also in the hadith narrated by Abu Darda, that the Prophet Muhammad said that meant:
"Verily, Allah has decreed the disease and (at the same time) the antidote (medicine), then treat all of you, and do not seek treatment with the forbidden." (H. R. Abu Dawud).
There is relief, with certain conditions
In recent years some scholars of Imam Hanafi have given relief to alcohol use for treatment on the condition that they truly contain drugs and no other drugs except that. Some Islamic scholars of Shafi'i also stated that treatment with alcoholic mixtures must be strictly based on instructions by expert Muslim doctors.
Its use is not intoxicating and is really in an emergency and forced. This opinion is based on the Qur'an and the Hadith and the rules of jurisprudence.
Al-Qur'an Qur'an Al-Baqarah verse 185 which means; "... God wants for you an ease and does not want trouble for you ..."
Al-Qur'an surah Al-Hajj verse 78: "... and He does not make for you in religion a narrowness ..."
Law on the Use of Alcohol in Food and Beverages
Natural Alcohol Content
Fruits such as durian, oranges, and jackfruit basically contain natural alcohol. If eaten normally it will not be intoxicating but different if fermented. Syaikh Yusuf Qardhawi explained: the foods mentioned in the hadith such as wine, dates, honey, corn and wheat are not unclean foods.
While in the Al-Qur'an itself, it is stated that humans have the right to consume what is on the face of the earth except those which have been forbidden So the rule of usul fiqh was born, "As long as everything is changed, as long as there is no argument that forbids it."
High alcoholic foods
It is clear that processed foods containing high legal alcohol are haram, including processed bread which contains a mixture of rhum with an alcohol content of 30% (example: Rhum Cake Butter). However, it is a bit different from processed food products rather than fermentation, such as tape. The law will be based on research on the level or level of alcohol. If it turns out intoxicating, then the law is clearly unlawful. But if it is not intoxicating, it can be eaten.
Rasulullah SAW said the meaning;
"Drink it (juice) while it's not hard." Friends ask: How long has it been hard? He became violent in three days, replied the Prophet. "(H.R. Ahmad).
What is exemplified here is when the Messenger of Allah and his companion drank the wine, before the wine turned hard (three days past).
Alcoholic beverages such as beer and others
Whatever the form, all intoxicating alcoholic drinks are unlawful for consumption. Including beer drinks with alcohol content even though 0% is haram. This is based on preventive measures. As referring to the fatwa of MUI number 4 of 2003 based on the principle "Al washilatu ilal haram haramun"; everything on the road to haram is haram.
Danger of Alcohol
Causes of loss of self control
Every human being has a name called a prevention center in his brain. Its function is to control and prevent oneself from acting arbitrarily, in other words is to consider every act of action. While when someone consumes alcohol which is obviously intoxicating, they will lose control of this prevention center.
As a result, someone who is not used to saying harsh words can say it, someone who does not do damage will do it. That is what causes a drunkard to do worse often because he has no more control.
Increased crime
With inhibition of prevention center control, drunk people cannot control their behavior. On the contrary, in such a situation it is precisely the bad deeds that occur more like acts of violence, fighting, rape, and even murder. This is because they can no longer distinguish between the good and the wrong.
Leaving shame for a lifetime
A drunk person will not be aware of what he has done. So, as a reward, it is when he regains his consciousness and finally realizes what he has done.
All acts of drunkenness are despicable that will leave a sense of shame for life, not only for themselves but also their families and their environment.
Source of various diseases
Not a few causes of death are due to consuming alcohol. In addition to material and psychological harm, especially cereal alcohol is very detrimental to self-consumption. Here are some diseases caused by alcohol:
Liver cirrhosis
Cancer (esophagus, head and neck, liver, intestine)
Coronary arterosclerosis and Angina
Heart attack
Various types of paralysis
Peripheral neuropathy
Cortical atrophy
Cerebellar aatrophy
Good luck ...
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