Can Muslim Drink Wine?
Can Muslim Drink Wine?
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّه وبركاته
Ustadz please ask for an explanation of the wine including khamr, right? If so, please ask for an explanation as clearly as possible. Shukron for the answer.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبر كاته
If what is meant is grape juice, then it is halal. But when it has undergone a fermentation process in a certain period of time and it turns into an intoxicating drink, it is unlawful. Among the signs is if it has been stored for more than three days or foam has emerged that was not there before.
This conclusion is based on the words of the Prophet sallalla ‘alaihi wa sallam:
كُلُّ مُسْكِرٍ خَمْرٌ وَكُلُّ خَمْرٍ حَرَام
"Every intoxicant is khomr and every khomr is haram." (Narrated by Muslim: 2003).
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah was once asked by the law to drink orange juice and grapes and others, he replied:
هذا حلال ليس فيه شك, إلا إذا غلا - أي: تخمر - بأن يكون فيه زبد, صار حراما, أو إذا أتى عليه ثلاثة أيام على المشهور من المذهب, وإن لم يغل: فإنه يكون حراما, قالوا: لأن ثلاثة الأيام يغلي فيها العصير غالبا ، ولما كان الغليان قد يخفى أنيط الحكم بالغالب لظهوره وهو ثلاثة أيام. والصحيح: خلاف ذلك, فالصحيح: أنه لا يحرم إذا أتى عليه ثلاثة أيام, لا سيما في البلاد الباردة, أما إذا كان في البلاد الحارة فإنه بعد ثلاثة أيام ينبغي أن ينظر فيه, والاحتياط أن يتجنب وأن يعطى البهائم أو ما أشبه ذلك; لأنه يخشى أن يكون قد تخمر وأنت لا تعلم به
"This is a halal drink without any hesitation, unless it has / boiled / stored for a long time or turned into khamr marked by the appearance of foam on its own (even though it was not before) then it is unclean. Or if this drink is served after three days in the opinion of the famous madzhab even though it has not yet boiled / foamed, then it is unclean.
The scholars say; because within a period of three days the juice has boiled on average. And when the boiling process is sometimes hidden, the legal conclusions are aimed at the majority of cases, if they have been stored for three days.
Opinions that are true are contrary to this opinion, because fruit juice even though it is served after three days is still not haram especially in the countries with cold weather. Whereas if the weather in a country is hot, after three days it should be seen and checked. And the more careful should this fruit juice be shunned or given to livestock or other because it is feared it has turned into khmar while you do not know it ". (Ash-Syarhul Mumti ': 14 / 305-306). Wallahu A'lam.
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّه وبركاته
Ustadz please ask for an explanation of the wine including khamr, right? If so, please ask for an explanation as clearly as possible. Shukron for the answer.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبر كاته
If what is meant is grape juice, then it is halal. But when it has undergone a fermentation process in a certain period of time and it turns into an intoxicating drink, it is unlawful. Among the signs is if it has been stored for more than three days or foam has emerged that was not there before.
This conclusion is based on the words of the Prophet sallalla ‘alaihi wa sallam:
كُلُّ مُسْكِرٍ خَمْرٌ وَكُلُّ خَمْرٍ حَرَام
"Every intoxicant is khomr and every khomr is haram." (Narrated by Muslim: 2003).
Imam Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah was once asked by the law to drink orange juice and grapes and others, he replied:
هذا حلال ليس فيه شك, إلا إذا غلا - أي: تخمر - بأن يكون فيه زبد, صار حراما, أو إذا أتى عليه ثلاثة أيام على المشهور من المذهب, وإن لم يغل: فإنه يكون حراما, قالوا: لأن ثلاثة الأيام يغلي فيها العصير غالبا ، ولما كان الغليان قد يخفى أنيط الحكم بالغالب لظهوره وهو ثلاثة أيام. والصحيح: خلاف ذلك, فالصحيح: أنه لا يحرم إذا أتى عليه ثلاثة أيام, لا سيما في البلاد الباردة, أما إذا كان في البلاد الحارة فإنه بعد ثلاثة أيام ينبغي أن ينظر فيه, والاحتياط أن يتجنب وأن يعطى البهائم أو ما أشبه ذلك; لأنه يخشى أن يكون قد تخمر وأنت لا تعلم به
"This is a halal drink without any hesitation, unless it has / boiled / stored for a long time or turned into khamr marked by the appearance of foam on its own (even though it was not before) then it is unclean. Or if this drink is served after three days in the opinion of the famous madzhab even though it has not yet boiled / foamed, then it is unclean.
The scholars say; because within a period of three days the juice has boiled on average. And when the boiling process is sometimes hidden, the legal conclusions are aimed at the majority of cases, if they have been stored for three days.
Opinions that are true are contrary to this opinion, because fruit juice even though it is served after three days is still not haram especially in the countries with cold weather. Whereas if the weather in a country is hot, after three days it should be seen and checked. And the more careful should this fruit juice be shunned or given to livestock or other because it is feared it has turned into khmar while you do not know it ". (Ash-Syarhul Mumti ': 14 / 305-306). Wallahu A'lam.
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