The Law of Saying Merry Christmas and Wearing a Santa Hat
The Law of Saying Merry Christmas and Wearing a Santa Hat
Assalamualaikum Ustadz
I want to ask how the law in Islam congratulates Christmas. Is it unlawful? What if the reason is to maintain good relations with friends or relations? Thank you for the answer.
The second question, how is it legal for a supermarket employee to be asked by his boss to wear a Santa Claus hat in order to enliven Christmas.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb
Opinion Differences about Saying Merry Christmas
Among the themes that contain debates each year are congratulations on Christmas Day. Contemporary scholars differ in their determination of the law of jurisprudence between those who support congratulations and those who oppose it. Both groups rely on a number of propositions.
Although the pronunciation of congratulations on Christmas is partly included in the area of aqeedah but he has a law of jurisprudence which relies on deep understanding, detailed study of various texts syar'i.
There are two opinions on this issue:
First opinion
Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qoyyim and his followers like Sheikh Ibn Baaz, Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah bless them - and others such as Sheikh Ibrahim bin Muhammad al Huqoil argued that saying good Christmas is haram because this celebration is part of syiar-syiar their religion. Allah does not condemn the existence of kufr towards His servants. Indeed, in congratulating them is tasyabbuh (resembling) with them and this is forbidden.
Among the tasyabbuh forms:
1. Participate in the holiday.
2. Transfer their celebrations to Islamic countries.
They also argued that it was obligatory to stay away from various celebrations of pagans, stay away from attitudes resembling their deeds, stay away from the various means used to attend the celebration, not help a Muslim in resembling their feast, not congratulate them on their feasts and stay away from using various names and special terms in their worship.
Second opinion
A number of contemporary scholars allow you to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Among them, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi who argued that changes in global conditions were what made me different from Ibn Taymiyya Islamic Sheikhikhul in forbidding the pronunciation of congratulations on the days of Religion of Christians or others. I (Yusuf al Qaradawi) allows the pronunciation if they (Christians or other non-Muslims) are people who love peace towards the Muslims, especially if there is a special relationship between themselves (non m
uslim) with a Muslim, such as: relatives, neighbors, classmates, work colleagues and others. This includes doing good deeds that are not prohibited by God Almighty but He loves as He loves to do justice. God's Word: Meaning:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ
"Surely Allah likes those who apply justice." (QS. Al-Mumtahanah: 8)
Even more so if they wish you a Happy Day to the Muslims. God's Word:
وَإِذَا حُيِّيْتُم بِتَحِيَّةٍ فَحَيُّواْ بِأَحْسَنَ مِنْهَا أَوْ رُدُّوهَا إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَسِيبًا ﴿٨٦﴾
"Meaning:" If you are honored with something of respect, then repay the honor with something better than him, or respond to that honor (with the same). Indeed, Allah calculates everything. "(QS. An Nisaa: 86)
The European Research Institute and Fatwa also allow this congratulation if they are not among those who fight the Muslims especially in situations where minority Muslims are like in the West. After describing various arguments, the Institute gives the following conclusions: It is not prohibited for a Muslim or Islamic markaz to congratulate this celebration, both verbally and sending greeting cards that do not display their symbols or various religious expressions that are contrary to Islamic principles such as cross. Indeed, Islam denies the fikroh of the cross, His word:
وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم وإن الذين اختلفوا فيه لفي شك منه ما لهم به من علم إلا اتباع الظن وما قتلوه يقينا )157(
Meaning: "Though they did not kill him and did not (also) crucify him, (they killed) were people who were likened to Jesus to them." (Surat an-Nisaa: 157)
The sentences used in this congratulation must also not contain confirmation of their religion or blessings with him. The sentence used is a friendship sentence that is already known in the community.
It is not forbidden to accept various gifts from them because in fact the Prophet has received various gifts from non-Muslims such as al Muqouqis al Qibthi Leader in Egypt and others on the condition that the prize is not forbidden by Muslims such as khomer, pork and others.
Among the scholars who allow is DR. Abdus Sattar Fathullah Sa'id, ustadz in the field of interpretation and the sciences of the Qur'an at Al Azhar University, DR. Muhammad Sayyid Dasuki, cleric Syari'ah at Qatar University, Ustadz Mustafa az Zarqo and Sheikh Muhammad Rasyd Ridho. (
The MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) in 1981 before issuing its fatwa, first put forward the basics of Islamic teachings accompanied by various propositions both from the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet as follows:
A) That Muslims are allowed to work together and associate with the ummah of other religions in matters relating to worldly problems.
B) That the ummah of Islam should not confuse religion with the aqeedah and worship of other religions.
C) That the Islamic ummah must acknowledge the Nabian and the Apostles of Jesus Almasih bin Maryam as their confession to other Prophets and Apostles.
D) That whosoever believes that God is more than one, God has children and Isa Almasih is his son, then that person is infidels and polytheists.
E) That Allah on the Day of Judgment will ask Jesus, whether he at the time in the world told his people to recognize Jesus and his mother (Mary) as God. Isa answered: No.
F) Islam teaches that Allah is only one.
G) Islam teaches the ummah to distance themselves from things that are grateful and from the prohibition of Allah SWT and to put down rejecting damage rather than attracting benefit.
Also based on the Ushul Jurisprudence Rule
"Refusing the damages takes precedence over withdrawing benefits (if not so it is very possible that the mafasid will be obtained, while the musholla is not produced)".
Then the MUI issued its fatwa containing:
Christmas celebrations in Indonesia even though the purpose is to celebrate and respect the Prophet Isa, but Christmas cannot be separated from the questions explained above.
Joining the Christmas ceremony together for Muslims is haraam.
In order for the Islamic ummah not to fall into the veils and prohibitions of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala it is recommended not to take part in the Christmas celebration activities.
Say a Merry Christmas, except Emergency
Among the arguments used by the scholars who allow to say Merry Christmas is the word of Allah Almighty:
لا ينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا إليهم إن الله يحب المقسطين )8(
Meaning: "God does not forbid you to do good and do justice to those who have not fought you because of religion and do not (also) drive you out of your land. Indeed, Allah likes those who apply justice. (QS. Al Mumtahanah: 8)
This verse is a rukhshoh (lightening) from Allah Almighty to foster relationships with people who are not hostile to the believers and do not fight them. Ibn Zaid said that it was in the early days of Islam which was to avoid and leave orders to fight then di-mansukh (deleted).
Qatadhah said that this verse was deleted by the word of Allah Almighty:
… .فَاقْتُلُواْ الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدتُّمُوهُمْ ﴿٥﴾
Meaning: "Then kill the idolaters wherever you find them." (QS. At Taubah: 5)
There is also a mention that this law is due to one reason, namely peace. When peace is lost with the future of Mecca, the law in this verse is mansukh (deleted) and the only thing left is to read it. There are also those who say that this verse is specifically for the allies of the Prophet and those who are bound by an agreement with the Prophet and did not decide, said Hasan.
Al Kalibi said that they were Khuza'ah, Banil Harits bin Abdi Manaf, as well as Abu Sholeh said. Some say that they are Khuza'ah.
Mujahid said that this verse was devoted to believers who did not emigrate. There are also those who say that what is meant in this verse is women and children because they do not take part in fighting, so Allah allows to do good for them, so mentioned by some commentators ... (al Jami 'li Ahkamil Qur'an juz IX p. 311)
From the explanation mentioned by Imam Qurthubi above, this verse cannot be treated in a general way but is specifically for those who are bound by the agreement of the Messenger of Allah as long as they do not decide (dhimma expert).
The rights and obligations of the pagan dhimmi are exactly the same as those of Muslims in an Islamic country. They are all under full control of the Islamic government so that every time they commit a crime, crime or violate an agreement, they immediately get sanctions from the government.
In a hadith narrated from Abu Hurairoh ra that the Messenger of Allah said, "Do not start greetings to Jews and Christians. If you meet one of them on the road, then narrow the road. "(Narrated by Muslim)
What is meant by narrowing their path is not to let a dhimmi be in the middle of the road but make him to be in the most narrow place if the Muslims join him. But if the road is not crowded, there is no obstacle for him. They said: "But the narrowing here should not cause the person to be pushed into a ravine, hit a wall or the like." (Shohih Muslim bi Syarhin Nawawi juz XIV p. 211)
The hadith "narrows the road" shows that a Muslim must be able to maintain his izzah in front of non-Muslims without ever wanting to humble him or not to be humbled. However, in displaying the izzah, do not judge them so that they fall into a ravine or hit a wall because if this happens he will get sanctioned.
It was stated in history that Umar bin Khottob had tried the Governor of Egypt Amr bin Ash because of the treatment of his son who hit a Christian Qibti in a game. Judge Shuraih had won a Jew against Amir al-mu'minin Ali bin Abi Tholib in the case of his iron bees.
Whereas in this day and age, non-Muslim people are not under an Islamic government that continues to monitor it and can provide strict sanctions when they commit humanitarian violations, harassment and criminal acts against someone Muslim or Muslim.
The situation is just the opposite, non-Muslims seem to dominate in various aspects of human life both political, economic, cultural and military. Not infrequently due to this dominance, they carry out various insults or harassment of Islamic symbols while the perpetrators never get strict sanctions from the local government, especially in regions or countries that are a minority of Muslims.
Not that in conditions where non-Muslim people are so dominant then Muslims must lose their trust and dissolve with them, follow or acknowledge the teachings of their religion. A Muslim must still be able to maintain his Islamic characteristics before various characteristics that are not Islam under any circumstances.
Of course, among them - non-Muslims - there are those who do good to the Muslims and do not harm them, so that every Muslim must repay with good deeds.
Al-Qur'an and Sunna often encourage Muslims to always do good to all people, both to fellow Muslims and non-Muslims, including: surat al Mumtahanah verse 8 above. Word of the Prophet, "Love those who are on earth then those in the sky will love you." (Narrated by Thabrani) Also said, "Whoever hurts a dhimmi then I will be his opponent on the Day of Judgment." (Narrated by Muslim)
Good deeds to them do not mean that they must enter into the principles of their religion (aqeedah) because the boundaries in this matter are very clear and explicitly outlined by Allah SWT:
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ ﴿٦﴾
Meaning: "For you your religion, and for me, my religion." (QS. Al Kafirun: 6)
Christmas is part of Christian religious principles, they believe that on this day Jesus Christ was born. In English it is called Christmas, Christ means Christ while Mass means mass or mass so that on that day many people gather to remember / celebrate the birthday of Christ. And Christ according to their belief is God who manifests.
Doing good to them in this matter is not to give a happy Christmas due to the above reasons but by not disturbing them in celebrating (social aspects).
Giving Christmas congratulations both verbally, phone, sms, e-mail or sending cards means giving recognition to their religion and being willing to follow the principles of their religion. This is forbidden by Allah Almighty in His word,
إن تكفروا فإن الله غني عنكم ولا يرضى لعباده الكفر وإن تشكروا يرضه لكم ولا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى ثم إلى ربكم مرجعكم فينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون إنه عليم بذات الصدور )7(
Meaning: "If you disbelieve, surely Allah does not need (your faith) and He does not disbelieve in His servants; and if you are grateful, He will surely bless you for your gratitude. "(QS. Az Zumar: 7)
So giving greetings to Merry Christmas to Christians both he is a relative, close friend, neighbor, office friend, school friend and others is unlawful, as the opinion of the first group (Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibnul Qoyyim, Ibn Baaz and others) and also MUI fatwa.
However, every Muslim who is among the majority of Christians, such as Muslims who live in between Christian homes, employees who work with Christians, a student in a Christian school, a Muslim businessman who is very dependent on Christian politicians or people Muslims who are in non-Muslim regions or countries, may congratulate Christians on the Christmas Day around them due to compulsion. The congratulations that came out from him must not be accompanied by worries in his heart and required for him to rest and repent.
Among the forced conditions for example; if a Muslim employee does not wish the boss or his boss a Merry Christmas then he will be fired, his career is hampered, his rights are reduced. Or if a Muslim student does not give his Master a Merry Christmas, then the possibility that he will be depressed will be treated unfairly, reduced by his rights. Or a Muslim who lives in an area or non-Muslim country if he does not give a Merry Christmas to his neighboring Christian neighbors will get social pressure and so on.
من كفر بالله من بعد إيمانه إلا من أكره وقلبه مطمئن بالإيمان ولكن من شرح بالكفر صدرا فعليهم غضب من الله ولهم عذاب عظيم )106(
Meaning: "Whoever disbelieves in Allah after He has faith (he gets the wrath of Allah), except those who are forced to disbelieve Even though his heart remains calm in faith (he is not sinful), but the person who puffs up his chest for disbelief, Then the wrath of God befalls him and for him great doom. (QS. An Nahl: 106)
Whereas if the circumstances or conditions surrounding it do not force or pressure him and there is no influence at all on his career, position, rights or treatment of the Christians around him and his family, it is not permissible for him to wish them a Merry Christmas.
The Law of Wearing a Santa Hat
As a Muslim, he should be proud of his implemented religion with a characteristic that characterizes Islam. Allah Almighty has determined various characteristics of a Muslim that distinguishes him from non-Muslims.
In terms of business and muamalah, Islam justifies buying and selling and prohibiting usury which is a legacy of ignorant people. In terms of clothing, Islam ordered its people to use clothes that cover their genitals except for people who are allowed to see them from among their family members. In terms of appearance, Islam asks a Muslim to maintain a beard and shave a mustache.
Islam asks every people to be able to distinguish their appearance from non-Muslim people, as the Prophet said, "Distinguish yourself from idolaters, extend your beard and shave a mustache." (Muttafaq Alaih)
Islam forbids its people to mimic various behaviors that become part of certain religious rituals outside Islam or wear symbols that are characteristic of them such as wearing a cross or their distinctive clothing.
Sometimes a Muslim also wears Santa's hat and clothes in a Christmas party with his friends or boss, to welcome the guests of the company who come or others.
Santa Claus himself came from Holland who was brought to our country. And among the beliefs of the Christians was that he was actually a Catholic bishop of the church who at the age of 18 had been appointed as pastor. He has an attitude of mercy, defending the people and the poor. Even though in the legend they mentioned that he was the representative of God because he could bring to life a dead person.
Santa who is now in terms of his clothes and posture, wearing a sleeping hat, a red shirt without a robe and fat body and always laughing is from America who is different from the original from Turkey who always wears a robe, does not have to be red, no fat and rarely laugh.
However, this sleeping cap with red clothes worn by Santa Claus has become a characteristic of Christians who only exist during Christmas Day celebrations so it is prohibited for every Muslim to wear it because it includes in imitating a people outside Islam, as the Prophet said, "Who imitates a people is a part of them." (Muttafaq Alaih)
It is not uncommon to start from just imitating turning into guidance and finally becoming a confession so that it is not impossible for Muslims who do not have a strong foundation of faith in Allah he will be dragged further than just recognition but can make him convert (apostate)
But if indeed a Muslim is in a state of urgency and various attempts to avoid him are unsuccessful then he is allowed to wear it because of an emergency or forced with a heart that is not red, berthighfar and repent to Allah, such as: a supermarket employee has a Christian, a receptionist a foreign company, counter guards in non-Muslim companies for those who are required to wear a Santa hat in welcoming their guests with a threat if he rejects it will be dismissed.
Wallahu Allam
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