Muslim Prophet Isa
Prophet Isa alaihis salam including the ranks of the Prophet who had extraordinary miracles. With Allah's permission, he can heal the sick, and even turn on the dead. Prophet Isa was included in the Prophet ‘Ulul‘ Azmi. There are several beliefs about the Prophet Isa ‘alaihis salam that every Muslim needs to know. Allah SWT said: "And because of their words:" We have killed the Messiah, Isa the son of Mary, Allah's Apostle ", even though they did not kill him and did not (also) crucify him, but (they killed) people who were like Jesus to them. Lo! Those who disagree about (the killing of) Jesus, in doubt about the murdered. They did not have confidence about who was killed, except following mere assumptions, they did not (also) believe that what they killed was Isa. But (actually), God raised Jesus to Him. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. None of the People of the Book, except will believe in him (Isa) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a ...